As someone with Crohn's disease, it's incredibly difficult finding food that doesn't trigger your symptoms. It's an even harder challenge finding choices that taste good. Imagine going through your day worrying about every single bite that goes into your mouth because you don't know how your body might react. Most of us crohnies have been on elimination diets to figure out what works for us. Then, you have people like Emma out there dedicated and devoted to doing the work for us and finding foods that heal the gut from within. Our bodies are our temples, and we should treat them as such. Eating clean can help free the body of extra toxins that contribute to help managing symptoms.
One of my greatest joys since launching my blog has been creating connections, and forming friendships with fascinating people, each with unique stories to share. I am reminded daily of the strength of people with Crohn's disease. Through our painful hardships both physical and emotional, comes unparalleled strength.
I recently had the pleasure of "meeting" a fellow strong woman, self proclaimed badass, entrepreneur, Mama, foodie and Crohn's disease warrior. Please read on as I share my review of Mama Emma's Waffles, and without further ado meet Emma.
Emma's Story
Emma is healing from Crohn’s disease. During flare-ups, there was absolutely nothing she could stomach. Sadly, food became her enemy. To heal her gut, she eliminated practically everything from her diet. Desperately missing bread and motivated to find something she could eat, she got creative in the kitchen. Her husband, a passionate culinary artist and former celebrity chef, was excited to help. Together they tested recipes until they created a plantain waffle that is digestible and satisfying. She achieved remission and fell in love with food again. As Emma shared her story and waffles, people fell in love, too. Since 2016, Emma has been creating healthy allergy-free products and helping people find relief from autoimmune symptoms. Emma founded her business, Mama Emma's, to give people like her a better breakfast that's free from allergens and full of love. Her company is the first producer of plantain waffles and plantain flour baking mix in the country. Her products represent hope for those who long for something clean, convenient, and comforting to eat.Â

I was so excited to receive Emma's waffle mix in the mail. The first thing I noticed was the packaging. It looked so clean, sleek and appeared to be biodegradable. Sure enough, I went straight to her website and found that indeed the packaging was not only good for the environment, but it looked so elegant too! Now, let's get to the good stuff. The plantain flour used is grown on a family farm in Puerto Rico. I don't know about you, but I love knowing exactly where my food is coming from, so I found this to be captivating from the start. Since being diagnosed with Crohn's in 2008, I have become an avid label reader. Preservatives, additives, and hidden "organic" elements can be disguised by clever marketing tactics. Less is more folks, which leads me to my next important point.

These waffles are so easy to make, and the ingredient list won't leave you dazed and confused after reading. A few eggs, oil of your choosing, water and mix away! Now, if you're lucky like me, you have a few kiddos to serve as little helpers in the kitchen. Also, they knew they were getting waffles, so they jumped at the chance to try something new. Alright, save the best for last here. It was ready to taste.
I first tried them on their own, and if I had one word to describe them it would be, YUMMEEEEEEEEEE! A seriously delectable little bite. Then I tried them with variations. I had them with maple syrup, almond butter and fresh fruit. Also, yummy. And, I wasn't the only one who scarfed their plate of waffles down. My girls ate their first helping, and asked for more! Our baby boy is too little yet to eat solids, but when he's able, he will definitely be trying these out. I could also see a more savory dish with Emma's mix, and I am excited to come up with new ways to eat them. Emma has made it easy for you though, and compiled a list of recipes made with her plantain flour creation. You can check out more recipes HERE.
Full disclosure here, I've been in remission (knock on wood) for close to one year, so I'm able to eat a little more adventurous without the constant fear of getting sick, and spiraling into a flare. That being said, Emma's waffle mix will be added to our regular weekly menu, and I will be trying it when I next flare as well. I am so happy I had the chance to learn more about Emma, and her business, Mama Emma's. She's a true hero because she's not only healing herself, but she's healing those around her. I strongly encourage those of you with Crohn's disease, other diseases, food allergies and intolerances to give Emma's Waffle mix a try. Don't take my word for it. Check out her story at mamaemmas.com, like her on Facebook @mamaemmaswaffles, follow her on Instagram @lovemamaemmas, and order yours today!
Your body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.
- B.K.S. Iyengar
